Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Indepen(douche) Day Weekend

Ah, Independence Day in the nation's capitol, time to par-tay! What could be better to celebrate freedom from the British than something they could never quite take from us, funk and soul music. DJ Nitekrawler was throwin' down the jams for his monthly Moneytown danceparty at the most American Ethiopian restaurant in DC, Dahlak. Also spinning on the ones and twos was Cincinnati DJ Chris "Iceburg" Burgan of Iceburg Records. Free to get in(!)but, though the music was sweet, the partygoers were not.

The dancefloor was dominated in Hollister Bros. and Ambercrombie Babes. One dude with a leg brace, obviously from "pimpin' too hard". No one ever said this would be easy.

Time to make a quick trip down 18th St. and see what is poppin' at Pharmacy Bar, the best bar in Adams Morgan ($3 PBR's+$5 Tequila shots). We enter to find that people are really feeling this USA thing engaging in what our country was truly founded on, shoot-'em-up technology.

The streets of Adams Morgan were awash with stylistic mastery but my favorites were Soup Mane and his sidekick Noodle Boi.

Honorable Mention goes to their arch-nemesis High-Hat.

Back to Dahlak, where the crowd was thinning out but the dancing spirit was still alive. This guy obviously was able to block out the funk 45s by repeating Brooks and Dunn in his head.

Bun B was mackin' honeys.

Bitches pulled wallflowers.

And this beauty ruled what was left of the dancefloor.

Back to the metro where we got our last glimpse of greatness where we waited behind a spousal-abused feminist.

All in all, just another night in Douche City. PS: Thanks to the Dahlak bartender for the Johnny Walker shots!

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