Monday, June 29, 2009

Welcome to DC

Alright, alright, I know, I just started a blog called Loose Dirt, highlighting what the DC area has to offer. Well, honestly, that is just not my style. I moved here from Atlanta so that I could live with my girlfriend, Tycelin, and be happy. Sure, sacrifices would have to be made. I move from unruly and carefree Crackhouse to a small, uptight condo in Alexandria, VA. So here I am, with my two pet rats, my girlfriend, her go-getter mother, a tiny, poofy dog, and two insane kittens, with little space to call my own. My only escape is just across the Potomac River, the metro area known as the District of Columbia. Surely this would be the place for me. Being close to New York, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, certainly there would be some awesomeness in the capital city. WRONG. Just stay positive, I'll find a decent bar. WRONG. Keep on looking, I'll find a group of cool kids that will tell me the secrets of the city. WRONG. Well, after expressing my distaste for all things DC, Tyce kindly reminded me that I am a dick. I don't go with the flow, take things for what they are, make the best of things. I am a negative person and considered a hater. So, it's time to do what I do best and unleash the fury. No wonder you are referred to as "Dead City". No wonder DC Hardcore was so angry. No wonder you hung on to the small hope that Ian Svenonius provided you. Fuck you, Washington DC. You asked for it...

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